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Thoughts Revealed...

Thoughts Revealed is a platform for poets, artists, etc. to freely express their perspectives.  Contact us if you would like to submit a video of your artistic expression. 

Street King Dreams

Mo Grays is a talented Street Poet from East Cleveland, Ohio who recently discovered his gift of writing poetry. This piece is called "Street King Dreams" and is relevant to the issues that plague our inner city communities.


T Wade Montana submitted his motivational song called "Inspiration" to the Visions Revealed Inc. website. This song is in alignment with everything that Visions Revealed stands for - motivation and faith!

T Wade Montana can be followed and reached by the following methods:

Instagram: @twademontana #IonPlay #IonPlayTheMovement #MrIonPlay

Twitter: @Twademontana

Snapchat: @Twademontana

Facebook: @T Wade Montana



Carefree/Joy Jackers

Raheem Stover shares his poem and his experience with Visions Revealed as a dedicated Volunteer.

Letter to My Judge

Cetron Williams speaks of how he reflected on his circumstances while incarcerated in the Cuyahoga County Juvenile Detention Center and wrote a very heartfelt and thought provoking poem.

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